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SCARY STORIES: Where Fear Comes to Life.🎃👻🦇

๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿฆ‡In the eerie glow of the annular solar eclipse, beneath the haunted canopy of the web, we gather once more in the spirit of all things mysterious and macabre.
Welcome, fellow Wannas dwellers, to a realm where shadows whisper secrets, where the unseen lurk, and where the supernatural tales of Halloween come to life.
Are you ready to embark on a spine-tingling journey into the heart of darkness? talk about spooky stories i have come to tell you tales that will send shivers to your bone. ๐Ÿฆ‡๐ŸŽƒ

Re: SCARY STORIES: Where Fear Comes to Life.🎃👻🦇

WANNASWEEKLY wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 9:00 am ๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿฆ‡In the eerie glow of the annular solar eclipse, beneath the haunted canopy of the web, we gather once more in the spirit of all things mysterious and macabre.
Welcome, fellow Wannas dwellers, to a realm where shadows whisper secrets, where the unseen lurk, and where the supernatural tales of Halloween come to life.
Are you ready to embark on a spine-tingling journey into the heart of darkness? talk about spooky stories i have come to tell you tales that will send shivers to your bone. ๐Ÿฆ‡๐ŸŽƒ
Nearly 20 years ago when my wife was still my girlfriend, we were asleep in bed. It was around 5am and I woke up and turned around to face my her who was still asleep lying on her back. When I turned around, I saw an entity emerge from her mouth. Its skin was like a dark bark from a tree. It had no hair and no distinguishing features. It came out very slowly and when it got to its waist it realized it was being watched. It turned and looked at me and returned at the same rate as it came out.

I told my partner that morning about it and got a hostile reception. Days later I observed her talking to it whilst asleep. I can only describe it as tongues. i had never heard this language before.

My partners Behavior towards me changed, it was like she hated me. Her talking to it was regular Occurrence and she said she didn't remember a thing.

Life with her was very difficult so I never mentioned it again. Behind her back I was making plans to get rid of it, but it knew. She would kick off again.

A few years ago, she went to Glasgow with her sister and they both shared a room. In a conversation later her sister said to herโ€ what was that language you were speaking in your sleepโ€. Even though her sister heard her she still denied it. Last year I was woken by her moving violently in her bed. Her torso was thrusting up and down lifting her off the mattress. It was obvious what was going on (she was having sex with it). I spoke to her in the morning and again denied all knowledge.

I now just live it. The episodes have died down, but I realize that this thing is in complete control. My wife is a shadow of her former self. It's like she is just a lodger in our home. She shows no emotion and is very cold and hostile. She sometimes becomes violent towards me. I have a fear that she suddenly might come after me while I'm asleep. gods know what this demon can do that's why i have been searching the internet on how to get rid of it.
The incubus is a male demon with a reputation for seducing folk with their charm. Known for his striking appearance and charismatic personality, the incubus is handsome but incredibly dangerous. This seductive demon preys on unsuspecting victims, invading their dreams and imagination to lure them into an illusion of forbidden pleasure and temptation; a mirage for the hell they will be trapped in. <br />With his charm and experience, the incubus has been the subject of countless tales, inspiring both fear and fascination in those who encounter him. incubus.jpg The incubus is a male demon with a reputation for seducing folk with their charm. Known for his striking appearance and charismatic personality, the incubus is handsome but incredibly dangerous. This seductive demon preys on unsuspecting victims, invading their dreams and imagination to lure them into an illusion of forbidden pleasure and temptation; a mirage for the hell they will be trapped in.
With his charm and experience, the incubus has been the subject of countless tales, inspiring both fear and fascination in those who encounter him.
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Re: SCARY STORIES: Where Fear Comes to Life.🎃👻🦇

WANNASWEEKLY wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 9:03 am
WANNASWEEKLY wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 9:00 am ๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿฆ‡In the eerie glow of the annular solar eclipse, beneath the haunted canopy of the web, we gather once more in the spirit of all things mysterious and macabre.
Welcome, fellow Wannas dwellers, to a realm where shadows whisper secrets, where the unseen lurk, and where the supernatural tales of Halloween come to life.
Are you ready to embark on a spine-tingling journey into the heart of darkness? talk about spooky stories i have come to tell you tales that will send shivers to your bone. ๐Ÿฆ‡๐ŸŽƒ
Nearly 20 years ago when my wife was still my girlfriend, we were asleep in bed. It was around 5am and I woke up and turned around to face my her who was still asleep lying on her back. When I turned around, I saw an entity emerge from her mouth. Its skin was like a dark bark from a tree. It had no hair and no distinguishing features. It came out very slowly and when it got to its waist it realized it was being watched. It turned and looked at me and returned at the same rate as it came out.

I told my partner that morning about it and got a hostile reception. Days later I observed her talking to it whilst asleep. I can only describe it as tongues. i had never heard this language before.

My partners Behavior towards me changed, it was like she hated me. Her talking to it was regular Occurrence and she said she didn't remember a thing.

Life with her was very difficult so I never mentioned it again. Behind her back I was making plans to get rid of it, but it knew. She would kick off again.

A few years ago, she went to Glasgow with her sister and they both shared a room. In a conversation later her sister said to herโ€ what was that language you were speaking in your sleepโ€. Even though her sister heard her she still denied it. Last year I was woken by her moving violently in her bed. Her torso was thrusting up and down lifting her off the mattress. It was obvious what was going on (she was having sex with it). I spoke to her in the morning and again denied all knowledge.

I now just live it. The episodes have died down, but I realize that this thing is in complete control. My wife is a shadow of her former self. It's like she is just a lodger in our home. She shows no emotion and is very cold and hostile. She sometimes becomes violent towards me. I have a fear that she suddenly might come after me while I'm asleep. gods know what this demon can do that's why i have been searching the internet on how to get rid of it.
Oh goodness! My sister also experienced this thing called incubus! I have a little sister and her name was Chloe . She's 19years old that time. As Chloe laid in bed, she felt like she was being watched. Her room was dark, but she could see a dark shadowy figure standing in the corner of her room. She tried to brush it off as her imagination, and she closed her eyes, hoping to drift off to sleep. But the moment she closed her eyes, she felt someone touching her. It was like a hand, but it was cold and inhuman. She opened her eyes to find a tall, dark figure on top of her. She couldn't move, and she realized she was under some kind of terrible spell.

The figure leaned in close to Chloe and whispered, a moan it was frightening
For days, Chloe was haunted by the incubus. She was too terrified to sleep, but every time she closed her eyes, she felt something touching her. The entity only grew stronger and more aggressive with time. One sleepless night, Chloe decided to confront the incubus once and for all. As the creature crept closer, she could see its sharp, jagged teeth, and its eyes widened with an insatiable hunger. Chloe, with all her strength, fought back and commanded the incubus to leave her alone.

With one final scream, the incubus disappeared back into the darkness from which it came, and Chloe was finally able to rest. But every now and then, she still felt a cold touch on her skin, a reminder of that demonic encounter.
Last edited by ShadowBladechv on Mon Oct 16, 2023 1:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: SCARY STORIES: Where Fear Comes to Life.🎃👻🦇

Do you believe in Earthly Entities or Enchanted Being?
This is my first time posting in groups like this, and I just want to share a family story from my mother's side. So here it goes.

I've often heard this story from my mother whenever their family's topic comes up. Hahaha.

They are five siblings (or were, I hope) in the family: my eldest aunt, two uncles, my mother, and the youngest. My mother's family is deeply involved in folk healing. They believe in earthly entities that provide them with oils for healing (though they don't explicitly claim to be healers themselves, people come to them if they suffer from "kulam" or similar afflictions). They call their family "Dada," which was a term for my grandmother's sister. Dada took their youngest child in exchange for becoming healers. Only they have the ability to see these entities. One time, a supposed large entity delivered "medicine" to their Dada. During their negotiation, Dada expressed a desire to take my mother's youngest sibling, but she said it couldn't be the youngest. It seemed like they had some negotiation and were given options, but it ended up being a "no-choice" situation. (My grandmother was giving birth at the time of the negotiation with the "large entity"). So, my grandmother, having been told that they wanted her baby, didn't expect the child to live. They even baptized the child, who was already dead, with no one being aware. They had godparents for the lifeless baby. Afterward, they went home, and Dada said, "Wait, they'll let you borrow the child." So, my grandmother held onto hope. After a few hours (she didn't leave the baby's side, just in case they came back to breastfeed), the baby suddenly cried in the crib (when I first heard this part, I got scared). Dada (my grandmother's aunt) approached my grandmother and said, "They'll just let you borrow the baby; they'll take it back after a year." (This is the heartbreaking part of the story as told by my mother). Their youngest child was a typical happy kid, and almost everyone in their village loved their youngest sibling. Then, the day they didn't expect came...

Their youngest sibling asked to wear fancy clothes and wanted to go out. (Keep in mind that more than a year had passed, so they didn't expect this to happen). When they were about to put on the last outfit, their youngest suddenly collapsed - not like fainting, but like having no pulse. They called my grandfather and other relatives. Dada just said, "It's gone; they've taken it." After a year, Dada sent a letter to my grandmother, written by their youngest (I didn't personally see the letter, but it's probably hidden away). It was a letter from the child, like a letter from a young student just learning to write. The child asked about my grandmother (their mother) and told her not to worry because they were in a good place. (I also asked my mother how this happened. According to her, Dada taught the child what to put in the letter).

I don't know if this is scary for you, but personally, when I heard this story, I felt sad. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
Engkanto (from Spanish encanto, lit.โ€‰'enchantment') are mythical environmental spirits that are said to have the ability to appear in human form. They are often associated with the spirits of ancestors in the Philippines. They are also characterized as spirit sorts like sirens, dark beings, elves, and more. Belief in their existence has likely existed for centuries, and continues to this day. engkanto 2.jpg Engkanto (from Spanish encanto, lit.โ€‰'enchantment') are mythical environmental spirits that are said to have the ability to appear in human form. They are often associated with the spirits of ancestors in the Philippines. They are also characterized as spirit sorts like sirens, dark beings, elves, and more. Belief in their existence has likely existed for centuries, and continues to this day. Viewed 697 times 14.94 KiB

Re: SCARY STORIES: Where Fear Comes to Life.🎃👻🦇

When i was a kid i used to lived with my grand parents , they raised both me and my youngest brother . We grew up in an ancestral house where both our father and aunt grew up . Growing up we hear a lot of eerie stories about our house but as a kid of course you ignore it until one night my grand mother was out running errands and my aunt was occupied in front of a computer in her room so my brother and i were left alone in the living room watching tv , I can still remember it clearly as I was watching Phineas and Ferb at that time when all of a sudden i notice that my brother was not beside me anymore , i was laughing at Perry and Dr. Doofenshmirtz antics when a loud bang caught my attention - one moment my brother was climbing up the shelf and the next he fell right into our glass dinning set . Everything was so quick , the moment he fell right into the glass table he stood up quickly like nothing has happened - i think shock overcame my body as i sat there watching him bleed with no emotion then that's when i noticed that he wasn't even crying or feeling the pain of blood oozing out of his huge injury , he was just standing there quietly staring at the window so i followed his gaze and then there i saw a little girl wearing a black dress , her wide red eyes staring into my soul and with fright I shouted 'AHHHHHHHH' . My aunt running out of her bedroom shocked as blood spilled all over our living room floor she quickly gauzed my brothers arm and hurrily rushed him to the hospital . I was left all alone in our house so scared so i run towards the bedroom and hid under the matress shaking , a few moment after i heard a knock on my door and someone was calling my name . As i opened the door i saw our family friend ate Gigi she looked at me blankly and told me to go fetch my older sister who was living with our mother at the time so i did . When i get back with my sister the house was cleaned so we decided to just lock the door and go to Tita Gigi's house to check if she heard back from our aunt and thank her for cleaning the house , When we got there Tita Gigi was shocked and told me she didn't even go to our house . Up to this day it is still unclear who that person was , was it a doppelganger disguising ? or was I hallucinating ? I don't know , One thing remains and that is the huge scar left on my brother's arm and a story we will never forget .

Re: SCARY STORIES: Where Fear Comes to Life.🎃👻🦇

apple8761rk wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2023 1:35 am Do you believe in Earthly Entities or Enchanted Being?
This is my first time posting in groups like this, and I just want to share a family story from my mother's side. So here it goes.

I've often heard this story from my mother whenever their family's topic comes up. Hahaha.

They are five siblings (or were, I hope) in the family: my eldest aunt, two uncles, my mother, and the youngest. My mother's family is deeply involved in folk healing. They believe in earthly entities that provide them with oils for healing (though they don't explicitly claim to be healers themselves, people come to them if they suffer from "kulam" or similar afflictions). They call their family "Dada," which was a term for my grandmother's sister. Dada took their youngest child in exchange for becoming healers. Only they have the ability to see these entities. One time, a supposed large entity delivered "medicine" to their Dada. During their negotiation, Dada expressed a desire to take my mother's youngest sibling, but she said it couldn't be the youngest. It seemed like they had some negotiation and were given options, but it ended up being a "no-choice" situation. (My grandmother was giving birth at the time of the negotiation with the "large entity"). So, my grandmother, having been told that they wanted her baby, didn't expect the child to live. They even baptized the child, who was already dead, with no one being aware. They had godparents for the lifeless baby. Afterward, they went home, and Dada said, "Wait, they'll let you borrow the child." So, my grandmother held onto hope. After a few hours (she didn't leave the baby's side, just in case they came back to breastfeed), the baby suddenly cried in the crib (when I first heard this part, I got scared). Dada (my grandmother's aunt) approached my grandmother and said, "They'll just let you borrow the baby; they'll take it back after a year." (This is the heartbreaking part of the story as told by my mother). Their youngest child was a typical happy kid, and almost everyone in their village loved their youngest sibling. Then, the day they didn't expect came...

Their youngest sibling asked to wear fancy clothes and wanted to go out. (Keep in mind that more than a year had passed, so they didn't expect this to happen). When they were about to put on the last outfit, their youngest suddenly collapsed - not like fainting, but like having no pulse. They called my grandfather and other relatives. Dada just said, "It's gone; they've taken it." After a year, Dada sent a letter to my grandmother, written by their youngest (I didn't personally see the letter, but it's probably hidden away). It was a letter from the child, like a letter from a young student just learning to write. The child asked about my grandmother (their mother) and told her not to worry because they were in a good place. (I also asked my mother how this happened. According to her, Dada taught the child what to put in the letter).

I don't know if this is scary for you, but personally, when I heard this story, I felt sad. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
Thank you for sharing your family's story! It's understandable that it might feel sad, but it's also a powerful reminder of the love and connection that exists within families, even beyond the physical realm. While the concept of earthly entities or enchanted beings might seem mysterious or even frightening to some, it's important to remember that different cultures and communities have their unique beliefs and practices. Your family's story highlights the significance of respecting and honoring those beliefs, even if we don't fully comprehend them.

Again, thanks for sharing such a personal tale. May it continue to serve as a source of strength and inspiration for your family.

Re: SCARY STORIES: Where Fear Comes to Life.🎃👻🦇

Hi, let me also share my horror story.

My name is Susan. I remember the time when I was with my boyfriend in the middle of the night, and it was raining. He came to my house to pick me up and then we headed to his place. I suggested taking a shortcut, which I thought was a quicker route. He agreed, and as we were walking through the middle of a cemetery, I saw a girl wearing a black dress with a belo on her head. She was staring at me.

I was surprised and a bit scared when I saw her, but my boyfriend insisted on continuing our walk. He even shouted, "Who is that?" and "Why are you there?" But she didn't speak and just continued to stare at us menacingly. I was getting really scared at that point and didn't want to go on, fearing what she might do to us.

When I felt that my boyfriend was also getting scared, we decided to back away and tried to leave. However, it felt like we couldn't move away from where we were. We were overwhelmed with fear, realizing that she was toying with us for over minute of walking without moving from where we were.

But at the end we finally managed to leave the cemetery, and we didn't go back ever.
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