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Nice to meet you !

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 8:54 pm
by Commander274
Hi I'm Nicholas all the way from the beautiful country of Indonesia ! I wonder from what countries you guys are from , drop a comment below and share how do you say "How are you?" in your native language :)

Re: Nice to meet you !

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 9:41 pm
by Prince577
Hi I'm from Thailand and we say "Khuṇ pĕn xỳāngrị" - How are you ?

Re: Nice to meet you !

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 9:48 pm
by Ranger877
Hi Nicholas ! In Vietnam we say "Bạn khỏe không"

Re: Nice to meet you !

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 11:10 pm
by water6530yr
How are you, Nicholas!

Re: Nice to meet you !

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 7:01 am
by MorganaFalle0zl
Hi Nicholas! Welcome in wannas! I'm a Japanese so 'how are you' in our language is "ogen'kidesuka"

Re: Nice to meet you !

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 7:26 am
by Taki1124
Hi Nicholas nice to meet you! お元気ですか ?

Re: Nice to meet you !

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:14 am
by KatarinaSinixzl
Hello Nicholas! Welcome and have!