Congratulations Jinbe83 Tournament Victory! 300
Congratulations Tom154 Tournament Victory! 300
Congratulations universe360t1u Tournament Victory! 300
Congratulations Tom291 Tournament Victory! 300
Congratulations AstroWizardgrd Tournament Victory! 300
Congratulations Fizz389 Tournament Victory! 3,000
Congratulations Allen123 Tournament Victory! 300
Congratulations banana881gs1 Tournament Victory! 3,000
Congratulations ocean13404a Tournament Victory! 300
Congratulations PawsitivelyPegk Tournament Victory! 300
by MorganaFalle0zl
In a group of 23 people, there is a 50% chance that two will share the same birthday.
Is it true? Can you share when is your birthday and let's see if you have same date?
did you know.jpg
Viewed 22 times 14.15 KiB
by SteelSamurai8nm
That's awesome
but it might seem counterintuitive at first.
by Jess
My birthdate is March 12th. When is yours?
by AnkoSnakeWhiqbh
The statement you've shared is actually a well-known probability concept called the "birthday paradox" or "birthday problem."
Mine is 29th of June!
by TallinnTouri32d
Thanks for the information