Congratulations Jinbe83 Tournament Victory! 300

Congratulations Tom154 Tournament Victory! 300

Congratulations universe360t1u Tournament Victory! 300

Congratulations Tom291 Tournament Victory! 300

Congratulations AstroWizardgrd Tournament Victory! 300

Congratulations Fizz389 Tournament Victory! 3,000

Congratulations Allen123 Tournament Victory! 300

Congratulations banana881gs1 Tournament Victory! 3,000

Congratulations ocean13404a Tournament Victory! 300

Congratulations PawsitivelyPegk Tournament Victory! 300


Indonesia has a macabre and bizarre history with head-hunting
Head-hunting is the grisly practice of killing a person by cutting off their head and then preserving the ‘trophy’ and displaying it. Indonesian head-hunters have a long history of enjoying a terrifying reputation as fierce and unforgiving warriors. Although not practiced today, some Indonesian families with head-hunting ancestors have kept their grandfather’s ‘trophies’ and are stored today in modern-day homes. Just a tad creepy, right?
Head-hunting is the grisly practice of killing a person by cutting off their head and then preserving the ‘trophy’ and displaying it. Indonesian head-hunters have a long history of enjoying a terrifying reputation as fierce and unforgiving warriors. Although not practiced today, some Indonesian families with head-hunting ancestors have kept their grandfather’s ‘trophies’ and are stored today in modern-day homes. Just a tad creepy, right?
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